Karen was already nude, so upon the invitation, she simply jumped on the bed and joined the two girls. Each of them spared a hand to caress her body and alternatively kiss her. One of the boyfriends, the one with the girls with the long hair, whispered: “Why don’t you join us”. But Karen replied
Tags: chastity belt, cmnf, cunnilungus, Female Bisexuality, group sex, heterosexual sex, Lesbian Sex, nudity, swingingPosts Tagged Female Bisexuality
Karen Chapter 19: Women on Women Action
I approached the bed but noticed that the husband was standing up instead of laying on the bed. “She’s been waiting for decades to try this. Thank you mate”, he said in a thick Australian accent. “Having sex with a woman?”, I asked. “Yeah. It’s been tearing us apart, her not knowing how it’s like.
Tags: chastity belt, cmnf, Female Bisexuality, Girls Kissing, Lesbian Sex, nudity, Sixty-NineKaren Chapter 17: Threesome
Mona was sweet. She explained that even though the place opened early, most of the clients arrived closer to 10 or 11 pm. “We usually have a good crowd of attractive clients like you and not so many old ones like me or my husband”. Karen put her hand on her forearm. “Don’t sell yourself
Tags: chastity belt, cmnf, cuckholding, cunnilungus, Erotic Content, Female Bisexuality, Girls Kissing, heterosexual sex, masturbation, nudity, oral sex, swinging, threesomePets Chapter 47 (Candy): Adult Fun
the drive home was very painful: Ellie had managed to turn me on more than ever and we had to endure the drive, side by side, until we would get back to my apartment. The torture didn’t last long: we almost ran upstairs and clothes went flying as soon as the door closed. I didn’t
Tags: cunnilungus, Erotic Content, Female Bisexuality, Girls Kissing, Lesbian Sex, masturbation, nudity, oral sexThe Circle Chapter 7: Going down
Stephanie and Kim were still kissing, when my wife pulled our lover from the sitting position to lay on the bed by her side. Both women faced each other while kissing, and Stephanie was caressing Kim’s hair while Kim was resting her right arm (she was laying on her left side) on top of my
Tags: cmnf, cunnilungus, Erotic Content, Explicit Content, Female Bisexuality, Girls Kissing, nudity, oral sex, scissoring, Sixty-Nine, threesomePets Chapter 44 (Candy): Dance Floor
The supper had been weird. I knew that Ellie wouldn’t fit perfectly in a lesbian date, but when I finally confronted her, she made me realize that it wasn’t the date itself, but rather the venue that was the problem! I relaxed a bit and we talked about it, I think I managed to relax
Tags: Female Bisexuality, Girls KissingPets Chapter 43 (Ellie): Two girls night out
The rest of the drive after the warning was pleasant, even Richard and I’s conversation had been derailed toward what we learned from our families and our brushes with authority. The mood was light and I was relieved for the interruption because I wasn’t sure how much my stomach could take that line of thought.
Tags: Female Bisexuality, Girls KissingPets Chapter 36 (Richard): Saying Goodye
Hugo had kept me company while my submissives were doing their first public scene under Jake’s discrete camera filming everything on my own memory card. I know Hugo seemed nice and friendly, but I must admit my eyes were soldered on Ellie’s naked body as she moved under Candy’s directives. I know Candy is a
Tags: BDSM, cmnf, Erotic Content, exhibitionism, Explicit Content, Fellatio, Female Bisexuality, Girls Kissing, heterosexual sex, home made porn, nudity, re-edit, threesomePets Chapter 34 (Ellie): Anati Yoga
And so, the place sucked. Richard, as always, seemed to fit in but I definitely wasn’t in my element. Undressing helped me a lot, by letting me present myself on location on my own terms. Ironically, I was complaining recently that my nudity was becoming almost too acceptable, too routine, not enough revolutionary, but now, I
Tags: BDSM, cmnf, crossdressing, Erotic Content, Female Bisexuality, Girls Kissing, nudity, re-editPets Chapter 27 (Richard): Confusion
Ellie and I seemed to have reached a new level in our relationship. We felt closer and sex was certainly more interesting. Some days, I had the impression that I was neglecting Candy but on the other hand, Ellie wasn’t and it seemed to please her even more. I guess my girlfriend has some equipment
Tags: BDSM, cmnf, cunnilungus, Female Bisexuality, Girls Kissing, heterosexual sex, Lesbian Sex, nudity, re-edit, Sixty-Nine, threesome