Alex Chapter 11: Believers and adepts

This entry is part 11 of 7 in the series Alex

I was soon left alone to pray in front of my painting. I did look happy, and yet, I didn’t remember painting this one. I mean, I do, but I don’t. It’s hard to explain. I know I painted it and can see me paint part of it, but I don’t recall the sketching, the

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Nancy Chapter 2: Arriving

This entry is part 2 of 0 in the series Nancy

I arrived in the town on theĀ  Saturday before orientation and discovered I had 2 days to spare before the university would open. My parents had told me to arrive early to get my bearings but the security agent at the gate was adamant that no students would be allowed in before Monday. I noticed

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Karen Chapter 23: Breakfast

This entry is part 23 of 18 in the series Karen

I went downstairs to prepare breakfast and fished out of my pockets the phone number of the young couple from the previous night. Would Karen be my death or on the other hand, would she bring a new better life somehow? I couldn’t deny that we’ve had more sexual exploration since our anniversary, but how

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