Harmony Chapter 13: Supper and a walk

This entry is part 13 of 31 in the series Harmony

Tiffany and I wished a good evening to Alexandra as we got off from the monorail and quickly reached a shower near our house. There was a bar of soap already in the shower but there were no shampoo bottles or towels or other means to dry off. Still, when in Rome… As I anticipated,

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Harmony Chapter 10: Train Ride

This entry is part 10 of 31 in the series Harmony

We sat for roughly 15 minutes while we waited for a few other people to enter and soon enough, the monorail accelerated quickly for the next station while Paul was talking to Alexandra about her tractor. On the first station, Paul and the other girl left with most of the passengers, leaving the three of us

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Harmony Chapter 9: Breakfast

This entry is part 9 of 31 in the series Harmony

When I woke up, I was still spooning Tiffany, but Cassiopeia had taken Penelope’s place in the bed. I guess I didn’t hear either of them moving in the house. I gently left the bed, leaving Mark and Tiffany asleep and took a look around the room to see if I had missed anything. Sadly,

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The Circle Chapter 1: Stephanie Waking up

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series The Circle

I was in the kitchen making breakfast when Stephanie, my wife, began screaming from our bedroom. “Mike, Mike, where are you? What is this place?” Good, perhaps my wife was finally coming back to herself. I ran upstairs and dashed into our bedroom, to find her sitting in bed, still naked from last night. I

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Harmony Chapter 8: Going to bed

This entry is part 8 of 31 in the series Harmony

From the outside, the little houses looked desperately tiny. At first glance earlier that day, I had imagined a couple living in each of the metal containers and found them terribly inadequate for that purpose. Now that I realized at the banquet that each man in the city had 3 to 5 concubines, it was

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Harmony Chapter 7: The banquet

This entry is part 7 of 31 in the series Harmony

City Hall was just another one of the big anonymous buildings placed at the end of the streets. It wasn’t even labelled or decorated. No flags or flowers announced it. It was there and everyone knew it was there and it didn’t seem to bother anyone that it looked almost identical to the school and

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Harmony Chapter 5: Customs

This entry is part 5 of 31 in the series Harmony

One of the older women stepped forward from the crowd. “Why are you wearing clothes ? Are you trying to insult our customs and laws? Even if you are a just visitor, you need to follow the rules” I quickly added it all up in my mind and knowing I couldn’t back down, decided to

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Harmony Chapter 4: Landing

This entry is part 4 of 31 in the series Harmony

I stopped caring. I almost stopped feeding myself. If I had still been in economic class, I would have most likely starved to death without anyone noticing, but in First Class, Paulio made sure I ate enough each day, going so far as dragging me naked from the pool so I would eat. Cathy started

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