Alex Chapter 11: Believers and adepts

This entry is part 11 of 7 in the series Alex

I was soon left alone to pray in front of my painting. I did look happy, and yet, I didn’t remember painting this one. I mean, I do, but I don’t. It’s hard to explain. I know I painted it and can see me paint part of it, but I don’t recall the sketching, the

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Alex Chapter 12: Prophetess

This entry is part 12 of 7 in the series Alex

I thanked her and proceeded to Talia. She was in deep talk with a tall and very slim woman with very long dark hair. She must have been 28 or perhaps even 30, but her smallish breasts still held perfectly in place. Both smiled when they saw me approach and welcomed me when I asked

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Alex Chapter 13: Painting do over

This entry is part 13 of 7 in the series Alex

At my cabin, I took a long hard look at the painting I had begun. Two ladies in the lake. I had made a lot of progress with it: one of the reasons I was able to make money from my paintings was the speed at which I was able to make the broad strokes

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Alex Chapter 14: The vision

This entry is part 14 of 7 in the series Alex

In the chapel, only Talia and Karina were present but there was a crowd of men on the outside. I estimated a good 30 to 40. Both women were kneeling, in front of my painting, pretty much how I had pictured them, except for the raised hands. In fact, they were not even holding hands.

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