And so, none of the Pets chapters were showing up due to a bug in the rendering system. I have no idea what the bug was: I am not a developer, but I turned off one of the plugins I didn’t need and they began showing up. That was 40 chapters I had copied, edited, proof-read and announced as being available which weren’t!
I discovered the error 2 days ago when I wanted to write a new Pets chapter, but couldn’t read any of my old ones for checking for continuity. It took me since then to figure out the issue!
Meanwhile, I wrote 4 new Karen chapters, and the first Cookie chapter.
This means that all of the stories on this site (except for Pets due to the technical issues) have new exclusive chapters that were never published on my previous site!
Karen has 4 new ones, the Circle, Faith, and Cookie are new stories, Harmony, Sue, and Alex each have 2 new chapters.
Karen was easier to write because those 4 chapters were pretty much a sequence. Sue is always a little harder to write, and Alex didn’t so much get new content written, as previously written chapters published for the first time (but rewritten for this site).
I do not know which story I will be inspired to write new chapters next, but now that the copying and debugging are over, I am excited to move forward! I am a little sad my vacation ends so soon… I am back to work next Monday!
Update at 2h31 PM: I have a new Pets chapter written! And it follows the plan I had from when I first began writing pets perhaps 8 years ago!