Now that I finished moving over both Sue (edited to be a little more CMNF centered) and Pets, I am done moving over chapters from my old site and any new chapter that shows up here will be 100% new and original.
As I mentioned, I do not plan to create a schedule but I have a good reason for that.
First, when I was writing on my original site, I managed to gather a certain audience. I had commenters, emailers and I could see that come stories gathered more visitors than others, with many stories being read one chapter after the other.
When I built my schedule, I could see certain IP addresses visit on specific days of the week. For example, I could see one IP visit every morning that a new Pets chapter was scheduled, a few for Harmony, etc..
I was getting regulars!
Oh, I only had perhaps a dozen, so it’s not like it was a major success, but it was a dozen readers who emailed me! Sam, for example, came from a reader who asked if I was considering writing a transgendered story.
By then, my domain expired and I only came back online 2 years later. I emailed all of my emailers, but the magic was lost. I couldn’t gather new readers or really recapture my previous ones.
When I branched out to his domains, I could see that I barely get any serious visitors, so it’s mostly a project for the sake of expressing myself. I am having fun writing, but I don’t have illusions toward getting serious readers.
So, I will publish on a real-time basis: I write a chapter, I publish that chapter. It might mean multiple chapters in a row for one series, and then, multiple for another, but I am fine with that.
If I am wrong and you are a regular reader, don’t hesitate to leave a comment!