Harmony Chapter 31: Cities?

This entry is part 31 of 31 in the series Harmony

I was awoken by a soft noise in my bedroom. I stirred and let a low growl escape my throat. “Oh, did I awake you? I am so sorry…” “What is wrong with you people, moving about when the sun isn’t even up yet!”, I grumbled. “Well, I have to prepare breakfast for everyone. That’s

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Harmony Chapter 32: Going west

This entry is part 32 of 31 in the series Harmony

I grabbed a lunchbox from Laura, who simply wished me a great day but without any personal touch: many people in town were going around and it felt like wasn’t really comfortable yet with affection. I followed some of the crowd to the monorail station: I had cities to explore. The eastern monorail had already

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