Faith Chapter 7: Struck at once

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This entry is part 7 of 18 in the series Faith

Amir wished me good luck and boarded an elevator, leaving alone in the corridor.

Alone, naked, in the corridor.

My reality was beginning to sink in. On the little boat, I undressed one front of a pilot and Clara. On the ship, I met Susan and later the good doctor. I walked all across the corridors, but I was by Amir’s side.

Now, I was naked, barefooted, exposed, alone and vulnerable, and I would be for the next 6 months or so… I might get some time off, a few days leave here and there, but otherwise, would be naked at all times.

All because I was afraid I would have to reimburse 2 nights of a hotel room.

I pressed the elevator down button and soon enough, I was walking once again on the 6th deck. I located room 612, unlocked the door and rushed inside, relieved that the room was empty.

I sat on the bed and the tears began rolling down my cheeks. How would I survive this ordeal? Even worse, how could I improve my life if I left?

I mean, I would be fed, would have access to a doctor, would have a bed to sleep in, all I had to do, was remain naked. Shit.

Was I even capable to go to the Casino? Would my legs support me? Would I scream and recoil in terror if one of the patrons patted my ass? I knew I could keep my red bead, but what about the looks and the comments?

What about dealing coworkers? I had been humiliated all of my life by almost every girl I met. If this occurred again here, there was nowhere I could run to! This was a fucking boat! I couldn’t swim ashore or anything, and if I did leave, where would I go? I was homeless for god sake.

I had to push through, even if meant dying a little inside, it was better than actually dying outside in a ditch or an alley.

I took a look in the bathroom mirror. I looked like a wreck. They promised a makeover and now, I had to work with my messed up hair and my puffy red eyes.

I picked up the phone and dialed 0.

“Reception”, said a young man’s voice.

“Sorry, I am a new girl on staff, and I was wondering, I have my first assignment in the Casino, but my hair, and eyebrows, and nails are all a mess. Where can I go to get that fixed?”

“What’s your name honey?”

“Faith, I just arrived”

“Oh, there you are! Sorry honey, Amir should have brought you to room 327. Helena is waiting for you for your makeover.”

“Oh, thanks”

“And Faith?”


“Listen, I can see you are in room 612, and I can detect from your tone you’ve been crying. Don’t worry, it will get better. If you want, I’ll have Philip at your makeover. He is our resident therapist for the girls. He’ll help you cope with everything.”

“Wow, you are very perceptive, hum,., what’s your name?”

“Eric. I work at the reception almost every day. Amir might give you jobs, but I am pretty much the dispatch. If you have any questions, just call 0 from any phone. Either Kyle, Jake, Fred or I will answer.  We rotate during the day.”

“Nice to meet you Eric.”

“And don’t worry about your body, you are stunning. Your hair doesn’t look as bad as you think it does.”

“Eric?”, I asked with incredulity. It was clear he was only trying to pick me up.

“Yes, Faith?”

“You’re on the phone… you can’t see my hair.”

“I can’t see it now, but I noticed you when Amir showed you around the lobby. Trust yourself, you are in a safe place.”

“Thank Eric”.

I hung up. I had no idea if he was honest or not, but I decided to trust him and return to deck 3. Still a little phased, I left the room and slowly walked to the elevator.

Series Navigation«Faith Chapter 6: Finishing the tourFaith Chapter 8: Makeover and therapy»
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